Monday, 1 June 2020

Indian film industry has gained prominence worldwide with help of Eros

It is undeniable that India is the biggest democratic country in the world. And it also has made its mark as the largest film industry as well. As per the opinion of the experts, India produces nearly 2000 films per year and till now; no other country has accomplished this mark in terms of production of movies. The Indians also are known to be movie lovers and they also revere film stars as the gods.  As of now, India produces maximum theatrical revenues of the entire world.

Eros International PLC is the leading global company of the Indian film industry thereby co-producing, acquiring and also distributing the Indian language films across the globe. For the last over 40 years, this company has a dynamic film library comprising over 3000 films that include recent blockbusters and also classic titles of different languages, languages as well as genres.

Eros Now is a popular on-demand South Asian entertainment network accessible at anytime, anywhere on the internet-connected screen including web, mobile and also television. With more than 12,000 digital titles, Eros Now provides its 142 million registered users and also 15.9 million paid subscribers across the world the promise of seamless entertainment.

The theatrical network of Eros in Indian constitutes both single screen halls and multiplexes that are fully digitally equipped. Recently, as the popularity of regional films as well as other media has increased in India, the brand recognition of Hindi films has allowed this company to grown its non-Hindi film business thereby targeting the local audiences in India and also overseas.

Indian films have global appeal and their huge popularity has been increasing in diverse countries that also consume dubbed and subtitled content in the regional languages. These countries include Germany, US, Italy, Russia, China, South Korea, Middle East, Latin America, Indonesia and a few more. On the basis of the gross collections reported in recent times, Eros bonds may be 27 % of the theatrically released Indian language films in the US and also in the UK.

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